Academic Updates
Launching in September 2022

Academic Updates

Academic updates cover a number of topics, including recent and seminal research on the effectiveness of learning strategies (e.g., optimal use of flashcards, benefits of spaced learning, or periodic breaks) or the impact of a variety of threats to learning (e.g., early versus late bedtimes, maximal amounts of screen time, in-school versus out of school suspensions) on academic success. 

Past academic updates will be posted on this page. Current updates for both academic and wellbeing topics for the past four weeks will be located on the main update page.    

The Benefits of Sleep:

Recent research has shown that both the amount of sleep you get as well as the time you go to bed can affect your grades. Read more >>

Can’t focus? Making mistakes?

ADHD affects approximately 5.3% of children and 2.5% of adults. Not sure if you might have it? Take the screening quiz used by doctors everywhere. Read more >>

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