Asking a question is one of the most important things that anyone can do. We get questions on all kinds of topics on learning, well-being and mental health from people from all over North America. It is one of the most important things that we do, and it is one of the most fulfilling. Answering questions gives us a chance to really understand what students, teachers and parents wonder about and struggle with in their daily lives.    

~ The Learning and Wellbeing Team ~

Got a question? Have a concern?
Ask us. 

We have answered hundreds of questions over the years.  We try to answer as many questions as we can. Please familiarize yourself with our disclaimer policy before submitting a question. 

Recent Q&As


My midterms didn’t go as well as planned, and I a
m falling behind. I need to get back on track before finals and I am worried I will never ever make it. My parents keep telling me to just focus and work harder. I am freaking out and don’t know what to do. Help. [Read more]


I have been skipping a few classes to get caught up on other assignments and reading. I feel bad skipping classes, but I don’t think I have any other choice at this point. Is the professor going to get pissed off at me? Will I be penalized for missing classes?  [Read more]


I’m terrified of answering questions in class and asking the professor for help. What do I do?

[Read more]


My parents don’t believe in mental illness, but I have one. How do I talk to them about it?

[Read more]

Our experts:

Our team of experts is led by Dr. D. A. Santor, a registered clinical psychologist and a university professor of psychology with more than 25 years of working with students, educators and parents in a variety of settings. This includes hospital-based specialty clinics, classrooms at all levels of education, and private practice.  He has provided hundreds of workshops to thousands of students, teachers and parents and answered thousands of questions over the past 25 years. 

The Learning and Wellbeing Team welcomes questions on any topic on learning, wellbeing and mental health. We answer a couple of questions every week. 



It is important to keep in mind that our answers, strategies, tips and advice are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  The information that we provide in article, video, answers to Q&As is based on expert opinion and scientific evidence, which we cite at the bottom of every page when used. Please keep in mind that even the most thoughtful advice or scientifically valid recommendations will not always work. Each person’s situation is unique and may require a plan that explicitly addresses their own unique challenges, needs and abilities. Only your own mental health professional or other qualified health provider is in a position to fully understand the uniqueness of your situation and the full extent of your difficulties, needs and challenges. You should never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. 

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