Our monthly newsletter is designed to keep you up to date on what is new and what’s happening at the Learning and Wellbeing Project.  Whether it is a new article, an interactive questionnaire, a Q&A from one of our readers or a summary of our own research into learning and wellbeing among students the monthly update will keep you in the loop and ahead of the curve. 

We are currently working on a number of research projects designed to help us better understand what motivates students and what predicts early setbacks at university.  We use this information to continuously update what we teach and what we focus on in developing worksheets, resources and skills. 

Make sure you get the newest tips, strategies and questionnaires each week.  Follow us on Instagram or Facebook.  Join our monthly email list. Share us with others.


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And, if you have already signed up, our thanks once again. 
Hope to see you soon!