

Each week, we will update you on a number of topics on learning and well being. These articles will highlight an important skill in how to manage stress (e.g., relaxation breathing) or improve the acquisition of knowledge (e.g., how effective scheduling improves knowledge retention), or identify an important research finding or trend (e.g., the level of readiness college and university students, the importance to REM sleep to knowledge consolidation). 

Can’t find something you are looking for? Ask us. Whether it is a question on how to deal with social anxiety, talk to your teachers, or get a good handle on neurodiversity, our experts are standing by. We answer a couple of questions every week. Click here 


At some point, everyone will need some academic help. Whether it is asking the prof, talking to a mentor or hiring a tutor, we’ll show you how to get started. R
ead more.


Looking for a quick and lasting happiness fix? The tried and true benefits of expressing gratitude is just waht you need. 
Read more. 


Research has shown that five different types social emotional learning skills can boost your grades and improve your mental heatlh. Learn how to increase your skills. Take the quiz. 


Whether it is worry about getting stuck at a party, being asked questions you don’t want to answer, or afraid of having a meltdown, an exit plan may be just what you need. 
Read more. 


My phone is taking over my life. I wake up with it, go to sleep with it, eat breakfast and manage my stress with it. How can cut down on the time I spend on it?  Learn more


Neurodiversity. What it is and why it matters so much.  

Read more. 


Exam bootcamp is a 50-minute presentation on how to get ready for and push through those final exams. Download the checklist. Sign up for the presentation. 


The overwhelming harm and slight benefit of social comparison. Learn more about the impact and how to manage unfavourable social comparison. 
Read more. 


Learning how to answer questions in class and knowing how to ask for help is a critical part of getting the most out of school.
Find out how. 


My parents don’t believe in mental illness, but I have one.
How do I talk to them about it?  

Find out. 


Writing papers at university and college is hard work. Find out how to write a great paper and avoid the 24 most commonly made mistakes. Get started. 


We have more than 25 tips on how to prepare for and write exams. Avoid the mistakes that most students make.   

Read more. 


Learn how to deal with negative thoughts, doubts, worries and what ifs.  Sixty years of mental health innovation. R
ead more. 


Attending university Is one of the most important and fullfilling times in your life. Most students report not feeling ready. Find out what you can do. Learn more. 


Research into understanding the secret to achieving excellence has identified three key ingredients. Learn how to reap the benefit of deliberate practice.  
Read more. 


The science and benefit of to-do lists.  Find out how to-do lists can boost your productivity, lower your stress and decrease your procrastination.  Get started. 


Backwards scheduling has been shown to boost motivation, reduce stress and increase your grades. Find out how to make a semester schedule and why it is so important. 
Read more. 


Learn how micro-breaks can boost your focus and increase the efficiency with which you master course material and prepare for exams. Master the pomodoro technique. R
ead more. 


Less than 50% of students have been formally taught how to take notes efficiently and effectively, and it is critical to the acquisition and retention of knowledge.
Learn more.


Character strengths are what make each person unique. They motivate us and energize us unlike anything else. Learn about your character strengths and unleash your inner potential. 


Learn about what long-term friends do to maintain their friendships and why friendships are so important. Find out what you are doing and what you can do more of. R
ead more. 


Sign up for the Habit Builder 2023 Event. Learn about the science of building lifelong habits. Get started on building a better, healthier new year.   
Read more. 


There are a lot of good reasons to change programs, switch schools, and even take a break from studying altogether. Most hurdles students can be overcome. Find out what to do before deciding to drop out.  


Saying no is difficult for most people, which makes learning how to do it essential in every relationship. We’ll show you how to master the art of saying no, without feeling guilty or bad about it.
Get started.   


Recharging and de-stressing are two very different and equally important things. You will need both to recover from the semester, get ready for the next and rediscover what you enjoy most about life. 
Read more. 


How do I tell my parents I did badly this term? We asked our expert how best to break the bad news to parents and convince them you have a plan to get back on track. 
Read more. 


How can I stay motivated during the last few (painful) weeks of school. Six great tips you can start using today. Learn about three different types of disengagement. 

Read more. 


Every semester, students leave dozens of marks on the table by not finishing assignments and not asking for more. It is time to get every mark you can. It might mean the difference between a pass and a fail or between an A and a B.   Read more. 


Saying how you feel is one of the first skills you learn in life. It is the most important and among the hardest to learn. Saying how you feel has powerful benefits that can improve both your mental and physical health. Learn more. 


Are your parents stressing you out? Research shows that parenting styles can either bolster or hinder your success at school. Find out what kind of parenting styles your mom and dad have and what to do about it. 
Take the test


Thinking about seeing a psychologist? Wondering if it’s going work? One friend says it doesn’t and the other one has been in treatment for years with no end in sight.

Learn more about psychotherapy.  

Do I have it?

My friends tell me it’s just shyness but it feels like its much, much more. I am wondering if I have an anxiety disorder.   

Take the test.


Academic unfairness and discrimination on campus. Know the facts about what students experience on campus and how to get started on a plan to make things right. Read more.  


The end of the term is still weeks away, but you are already running out of gas. Whether you are bored, tired or starting to wonder why you are doing any of this, learn how to motivate yourself and build grit . 
Get started.


I just failed my exam and the panic is setting in. Research shows that student’s fail tests more than you might think. What happens next is what matters most.
What’s your failure coping style 

Do I have it?

My friends think that I couldn’t stop drinking, even if I wanted to. Am I drinking too much?  Are you becoming dependent or even addicted to drinking?

Learn more.


A growth mindset is an essential part of lifelong wellbeing and a key component of reaching your full potential. Find out if you have a growth mindset and learn how to get more. Take the quiz.  

Do I have it?

According to the World Health Organization, depression is now the leading cause of poor health and disability worldwide — and it is easy to miss. 

Find out if you may have it.


Learn why flashcards and practice problems are so critical to learning, what makes them work so well and how they can help you beat the forgetting curve. Read more. 


Finding three good things each day, even on bad days can be hard, and sometimes seemingly impossible. Learn more about why it is so hard and still so very important for mental health. 

Finding it hard to get a good night’s sleep? Try these five tips. 

Here are five simple things you can do to improve your sleep, performance and overall well-being. Get started. 

Scheduling: The science and art of making it all fit.
Learn how to story board your week, which is one of the fastest and most effective ways to increase your productivity and decrease your stress. Learn how. 

Relaxation breathing and mindfulness 

Breathing and mindfulness are quite likely the oldest and among the most effective mental health skills. Learn how to breathe and be mindful in less than 15 minutes a day. Read more.

Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder

50 to 60% of children diagnosed as children continue to struggle with ADHD as adults. Still struggling with attention difficulties? Take the test. 

Well-being and happiness

Catholic nuns were asked to write about themselves and their lives at age 22. Researchers found that what they wrote about predicted how long they lived. Read more. 

Academic difficulties

Most students don’t feel ready when they arrive at university and college. Recent studies have identified the top 10 hurdles that students face. Take the quiz and find out yours.  
Read more.

What type of stress do you have?

Do you have more stress as worry or stress as load? Take the Stress Quiz and get started on tackling the rising levels of stress in your life. Read more.  

Finding the Good Life

Contemporary psychologists, such as Martin Seligman, believe that there are five domains that contribute to your overall wellbeing and happiness. What are yours? Read more.

Make sure you get the newest tips, strategies and questionnaires each week.  Follow us on Instagram or Facebook.  Join our monthly email list. Share us with others.


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