Wellbeing skills

Wellbeing skills include all of the social and emotional skills and strategies that allow students to manage their worries, what-ifs and doubts, as well as acquire and maintain healthy relationships. These include strategies, such as relaxation breathing, mindfulness and fact-checking, as well as learning how to manage the demands and expectations of others.  

Why focus on skills?  Skills are the building blocks of change. They are manageable in that you can learn one or two skills at a time. They are relatively easy to acquire (although harder to master) in that you can practice them every day. And they are scalable in that you can teach skills to one or two people or entire classrooms at a time. 

The full list of skills can be found here:

Learn relaxation breathing and mindfulness 
Breathing and mindfulness are quite likely the oldest and among the most effective mental health skills. Learn how to breathe and be mindful in less than 15 minutes a day. Read more.

How to find good things in every day.
Finding three good things each day, even on bad days can be hard, and sometimes seemingly impossible. Learn more about why it is so hard and still so very important for mental health. 

Learn how to improve your wellbeing
Contemporary psychologists, such as Martin Seligman, believe that there are five domains that contribute to your overall wellbeing and happiness. What are yours? Read more.

Learn how to say ‘no’ to others.

Learning how to say ‘no’ to others, without feeling bad about it is a crucial skill to ensure that you get all of your work done and have enough time for yourself.  Read more.  

Learn how to challenge worries, doubts and what-ifs.

Learn how to deal with negative thoughts, doubts, worries and what ifs.  Sixty years of mental health innovation. R
ead more. 

Exit plans and pivots

Worried about getting yourself into something you cannot get out of? Learn how and why it is important to have an exit plan for every conversation and occasion. Read more. 

Saying how you feel. 

Saying how you feel is one of the most important skills in life. Learning how to use your words is one of the first lessons in life and one that many of us never really master. Read more. 

Learn about Social Emotional Skills. 

The five domains of social emotional learning are critical to your emotional wellbeing and academic success. Find out how much you have and how to get more. Read more.  

Learn how to build a growth mindset

A growth mindset is an essential part of lifelong wellbeing and a key component of reaching your full potential. Find out if you have a growth mindset and learn how to get more. 

Using your character strenghts

Character strengths are what make each person unique. They can motivate you, energize you and help you reach your full potential unlike anything else. Learn more.  

Learn how to keep and foster friendships
Learn about what long-term friends do to maintain their friendships and why friendships are so important. Find out what you are doing and what you can do more of. R
ead more. 

Learn how to make friends. 
Research shows that it takes over 200 hours of contact to turn an acquaintance into a friend. Read more.   

Learn how to talk to people

Knowing how to talk to people can be harder than you think. Learn how to get started on mastering the art of chit-chat and conversation. R
ead more. 


Not sure what is making it so hard to stay on top of your finances? Is your worry about money affecting your wellbeing and grades? We’ve got six great strategies for dealing with financial stress. R
ead more. 

Learn how to deal with unfairness
Academic unfairness and discrimination on campus. Know the facts about what students experience on campus and how to get started on a plan to make things right. Read more.  

Learn how to have tough conversations
How do I tell my parents I did badly this term? We asked our expert how best to break the bad news to parents and convince them you have a plan to get back on track. 
Read more. 

Nothing can be harder than to someone about your mental health. There are countless barriers that you will face. What’s yours?
Take the quiz


Looking for a quick and lasting happiness fix? The tried and true benefits of expressing gratitude is just waht you need. 
Read more. 


At some point, everyone will need some academic help. Whether it is asking the prof, talking to a mentor or hiring a tutor, we’ll show you how to get started. R
ead more.

Learn how to ask for help for mental health difficulties.  
Nothing can be harder than to someone about your mental health. There are countless barriers that you will face. What’s yours? Take the quiz

Make sure you get the newest tips, strategies and questionnaires each week.  Follow us on Instagram or Facebook.  Join our monthly email list. Share us with others.


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